APPI Erasmus+ Projects
APPI - Key Action 1 (KA1), Erasmus+ Programme supports staff mobility and a new mobility activity called Invited Expert.
Start: June 2023 End: final 2027
Project reference: PT01-KA121-SCH-000128161
As candidaturas para o 2º ano do projeto decorrem até fevereiro de 2025. As bolsas atribuídas estão limitadas ao financiamento atribuído pela Agência Nacional Erasmus +, em cada ano.
Relatório de Mobilidade Individual
Start: 01-09-2019 – End: 31-08-2022
Project Reference: 2019-1-PT01-KA203-061353
Programme: Erasmus+
Key Action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Action Type: Strategic Partnerships for higher education
Further information on the Project – here!
ICEPELL Hybrid Conference Movie | 1 & 2 July 2022, Lisbon (Portugal)
ICEPELL Conference presentations recordings - here!
APPI Erasmus Partnership – Kiitos@21stCenturyPreschools (2015-2018)
“Kiitos@21st Century Preschools is an early second language learning (ESLL) project which aims to promote High-quality Early Childhood Education in Portugal and in other European Countries, connecting different pedagogical approaches to support children’s global development, preparing and equipping them for the 21st-century challenges.
The “Kiitos@21st Century Preschools” project will be established as an “action research” project where teachers and researchers from the partnership team will develop an integrated approach to improve ESLL (Early Second Language Learning), Music Learning, and 21st Century Skills in Early Childhood Education.
This project is being implemented in all the preschools of Munícipio de Ponte de Sor.”
- Project Description
- Workshop ‘Inteligência Emocional’ – Kiitos Project | Neil Mason |2016 May 5th | Escola Secundária de Ponte de Sor
- APPI at the 3rd Kiitos Transnational Meeting, in Tarnow, Poland | 15-17 November 2017
- Teacher Training Course: ‘Reflection in action – Teaching English in pre-school‘ (50 hours) | Sandie Mourão | February till July 2018 | Ponte de Sor