Using Information and Communication Technology in Support of Language Teaching and Learning - ICT-REV
About this Course
Ação de Curta Duração: 6 horasDestinatários: Professores dos grupos de recrutamento 120, 220 e 330
- To deepen scientific and technological literacy in information and communication technologies (ICT), through tools that allow acquiring the digital skills necessary to teach in a more demanding digital context;
- To develop innovative pedagogical practices that allow for more dynamic and varied foreign language classes, aligned with students’ needs and skills.
- Presentation of the ECML/CELV ICT-REV Project
- Exploration of the Technology Integration Matrix (TIM)
- Discussion of the pedagogical principles underlying the use of technology in the classroom
- The Inventory of ICT tools and open educational resources developed by the ICT-REV project
- Creation of a learning activity using ICT-REV