Ana Nunes
Ana Nunes has a degree in Modern Languages and Literatures - English / German, Complementary Studies in teaching English to 1.º CEB, and Post-Graduate Studies in School Libraries. She teaches English to 3.º CEB, 1.º CEB, and Pre-primary. She is also a school librarian and a member of the APPInep Committee.
Ana Nunes holds the following courses:
'Relating Language Curricula, Tests and Examinations to the Common European Framework of Reference (RELANG)' A presença da mediação no currículo de línguasACD APPInep Day
Erasmus Course - Intercultural Citizenship Education through Picturebooks in early English Language Learning' (ICEPELL)
Ideas and inspiration booster for primary English teachers!
National Intercultural Citizenship Education through Picturebooks in early English Language Learning (NICEPELL)
Using Information and Communication Technology in Support of Language Teaching and Learning - ICT-REV