José Moura Carvalho

José Moura Carvalho


José Moura Carvalho holds a degree in English and German and a Masters in Educational Psychology. He is a teacher trainer in the educational use of ICT. He was the Coordinator of the Unit of Educational Resources and Technology at the Directorate-General for Education.


José Moura Carvalho holds the following courses:

ACD Mindful EFL Day
Aprendizagem Móvel da Língua Inglesa
Make it stick! Estratégias para a aprendizagem (mais duradoura) do Inglês
Success for all: fomentar o sucesso na disciplina de Inglês

Next Events

4th International Working CLIL Colloquium - Call for papers

Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco

Curso: Introdução ao Mindfulness para Professores (2ª edição)

20/02/2025 to 13/03/2025 18:00 -19:00

TESOL-SPAIN Burgos 2025

14/03/2025 to 16/03/2025

IATEFL Conference 2025 | Edinburgh

08/04/2025 to 11/04/2025

Latest News

6th Mindful EFL Day

Join us for the 6th Edition of the Mindful EFL Day!
1st February | 9.00am (APPI Zoom Platform)
Programme available!
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Iberian SIG ACD | 25th January

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38th Annual APPI Conference

"ELT in a Multimodal World"
ISCTE - IUL | Lisbon
25 - 27 April 2025
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