British Council's Teaching English Website Competition
If I had known this when I started teaching...
If you had to look back and were given a chance to give your younger self a piece of advice for the first day of teaching, what would you say?
What kind of teaching...
Assembleia Geral Ordinária
Assembleia Geral para as 18h45, dia 2 de maio de 2014, sexta feira, na sala Apollo 1 do Sheraton Porto Hotel & Spa, sito na Rua Tenente Valadim, 148, no Porto.
Join us at APPI’s Facebook
You are welcome on APPI's Facebook, take a look...
11th APPI Madeira Seminar "Challenge your Teaching Practice!"
5-7 March 2014 | Escola Secundária Jaime Moniz (Funchal)
For further information please consult the Seminar Timetable.
The Seminar has been accredited by CCPFC with 0,6 u.c.
28th APPI Conference
Por Despacho de 15/04/2014 do Sr. SEEAE, Dr. João Casanova de Almeida, é autorizada a dispensa aos docentes que desejem participar no 28.º Congresso APPI.
Registrations closed.
Check our accommodation suggestions.
2014 Continuous Professional Development Programme
APPIforma teachers’ trainer center has an updated CPD programme.
Hello Clever Clients!
Our apologies for sending your January newsletter together with February, but we were just too busy fine-tuning our shows to perfect pitch.
For that reason, we are bringing you an extra...